Section: New Results

New results on a posteriori estimates

Some residual-type a posteriori error estimators were developed in the context of magnetostatic and magnetodynamic Maxwell equations, given in their potential and harmonic formulations. Here, the task was to find a relevant decomposition of the error in order to obtain the reliability of the estimator, with the use of ad-hoc interpolations. This work was realized in collaboration with the L2EP Laboratory (Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique et d'Electronique de Puissance de Lille, Lille 1 University), and gave rise to several contributions [7] , [18] , [19] , [20] , [21] , obtained in the context of the Ph-D thesis and of the Post-doc position of Zuqi Tang. Then, other results about a posteriori error estimators were obtained in other contexts [6] , [8] . Recently, we started working on space/time error estimators for finite element methods, arising in the context of low-frequency Maxwell equations (PhD of R. Tittarelli, CIFRE EDF R&D, see [25] .